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Online Ordering

Below are the online platforms we are authorized to sell through direct to you

We carry many quality, third-party tested, vitamins and supplements

to help enhance your health and healing.

Stop in to pick up product or call us for curbside pickup when you are sick. 

Contact us ahead of time to verify stock on-hand or anytime with questions.

Mind And Motivation peptide package


Muscle And Metabolic peptide package
PeakPerformance peptide package

Bioactive ingestible peptides

Radical Roots oil
po sum on oil

Order quality supplements and vitamins online with our integrated Fullscript partnership and have them delivered right to your door:

in stock products
raw herbal pharmacy

Can't find what you need?

Please call the office or email us. Choose from the information below.

Anything we have in stock will be at the Henderson office only, unless you let us know to bring to the other office. 

Other supplements available through our providers are CellCore, Systemic Formulas, Energetix and many Chinese herbal formulas. 

To Register:
Click on link above.
Select Patient Direct or Register.
Scroll down to click "Register".
Read the terms and enter the code given to you by your provider.  (
An appointment is required for these supplements.)
Complete the application.
Check your email.
Once approved you may begin logging in and ordering.

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Order supplements through my Fullscript store.